These fillable fields also correspond to the Fields section in the panel on the right. This panel allows you to make further adjustments to these fields, such as the type of field, the order of the field, the size and placement of the field, and more.
The order of the fields are important. These determine in what order the form is filled out. Keeping these fields in an organized flow is especially important for users who are filling out forms on tablets or mobile devices with smaller screens than a typical computer. Since we used the automatic field detection option, most of these fields are in a logical order. However, if you add or remove fields you should double-check to ensure your fields still follow a logical order.
To do this, right-click on any field and select Show Tab Numbers. A dialog box will display, informing you of how to change the tab field order, select OK. You will now see a number next to each field, informing you of their order. The first field, Client Name, is numbered 1. This will be the first field selected when a user is prompted to fill out the form. The second field, Technician, is numbered 2 and will be the next field available to fill out.
Some tablets and mobile devices have a previous field or next field button to aid them in filling out long PDF forms. So keeping the field order in an organized flow is important. Most of the advanced settings for the field are located here. You will likely not need to make many changes at this level.
If you need to delete a field, simply select it and press the delete or backspace key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right-click on the field and select Delete.
Remember, when you delete a field you are altering the order in which the fields are filled out. If you need to make a new field, or replace a field that was deleted, you can easily add a field to your document. Use the Prepare Form toolbar at the top of the screen and select an option, such as Text Field or Dropdown to add the item to your form.
Once you select an option, your cursor will turn into a blue box. Click anywhere to place this box near the desired field. You will have the chance to further adjust the placement and size after the object is placed. Afterwards, the field box will anchor itself to your form. Enter a name for this new field and press Return or Enter on your keyboard to save the name. If desired, you can adjust the size and placement of the field.
To do so place your cursor on the outside edge of the blue box. When you hover your cursor over the square dots you will see a double-sided arrow. Click and drag the edge of the box to the desired area and let go to set it. You can repeat this process as needed. When working with some items, such as Radio Buttons, you must meet certain requirements. Radio buttons require at least two buttons and must be organized in groups. Select the Radio Button option at the top of the screen.
Next, similar to before, your cursor is replaced by a box. Move this blue box to where you want the first radio button positioned and click to place it. Once the radio button has been placed, a yellow panel will display. Here you can specify the group name for the buttons. Now select the Radio Button option again to add a second button. Move the blue box to where you want the second radio button positioned and click to place it.
Once the second radio button has been placed the yellow panel will display again. The group name should automatically be filled with the group you previously created, in our example PaidButtons. If not, you can make that name change here. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard to save the name when finished. If you want to capture and save digital signatures on your form, first you must add the Digital Signature option into your tools list.
The most recent versions of Adobe Acrobat only use "Adobesign" by default. In order to use a digital signature box that will be recognized as "finger sign" on mobile devices, you must add the digital signature option. Add the Digital Signature option to your tools, so that it can be added to the form:.
Create digital signatures. Create PDFs. Edit PDFs. Export PDFs. Combine Files. Review and Comment. Scan and Optimize. Mobile PDF. Protect PDFs. PDF Forms.
Sign and Send PDFs. Print Production. PDF Standards. Acrobat DC. Acrobat XI. Acrobat X. Acrobat 9. Acrobat Reader.