Microsoft office word 2007 cannot open the specified file free download.Bookmarks aren't working --- cannot open specified file

Microsoft office word 2007 cannot open the specified file free download.ISSUE: Word cannot open the file because the file format does not support the file extension.

Sep 20,  · I now have a new problem, before I managed to open files by opening Office and then from inside the application choosing to open a file. The problem I have though is if I just try to open an Office file then I can't open it, and I can't change the default program to open it. Dec 03,  · EDIT: The reason I think it's related to the above code is because an actual PDF file from the same website can be linked from Word and Word will simply display an "unsafe content" warning but still allow you to open it, unlike the PDF from API.

Microsoft office word 2007 cannot open the specified file free download.Unable to open hyperlink: Cannot open the specified file. - Microsoft Community

Sep 11,  · The word file is created in doc. format. Actually, I have tried it to open in MS word , it works fine, it can open/save the word document when clicked on that hyperlink. But, it unable to open/save the document if i used in viewer. I have tried to download and open via Viewer , but still doesn't work. Thanks. Regards, Chao. Sep 20,  · I now have a new problem, before I managed to open files by opening Office and then from inside the application choosing to open a file. The problem I have though is if I just try to open an Office file then I can't open it, and I can't change the default program to open it. Nov 01,  · Step 1: Save the file to another format. Start Word. On the File menu, select Open, and then locate and open the damaged file. On the File menu, select Save as > Browse. Navigate to the file location that you want to save in. On the Save as type list, select the desired file format. For example, select Rich Text Format (*rtf).

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    Feb 11,  · Microsoft Word hyperlinks give message "Cannot open specified File" The URL has been validated by copy/paste into browser and it works fine. the links are to PDF docs in a folder on a website. JPG and other files in the same folder link fine from MS Word, but not PDF's. Same website using a different subfolder work. see example.

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    Describes a problem in which you receive the error message "Cannot open the specified file." when you click a hyperlink in a Microsoft Office document. Sep 20,  · I now have a new problem, before I managed to open files by opening Office and then from inside the application choosing to open a file. The problem I have though is if I just try to open an Office file then I can't open it, and I can't change the default program to open it.

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