Fixes an issue in which data validation lists that contain comma signs , are broken in an. This issue occurs when you set the user locale to a location that does not use comma signs , to separate the lists.
For example, Germany uses semicolons ; to separate the lists. When you set Germany as the location, data validation lists that contain commas are all broken. Fixes an issue in which an. Additionally, it addresses the issue in which all Agave formulas in the workbook sheet are removed from the file.
Fixes the issue regarding the message size of certain long email messages. Additionally, it fixes an issue that occurs when you perform a spell check before you send an email message. Improves the quality of videos in a presentation after the videos are optimized or compressed by PowerPoint.
Word SP2 Fixes issues regarding bookmarks, fields, track changes, templates, tables, object wrapping, autocorrect options, and email addresses.
Additionally, it fixes general reliability issues that occur when you post a blog entry on Microsoft SharePoint Server and Microsoft Office blogs. Downloadable list of issues that the service pack fixes The following workbook is available for download.
This workbook lists the issues that are fixed by this service pack. Note This workbook is available only in English. Known issues and behavior changes The following Microsoft Knowledge Base KB article describes the known issues or behavior changes that occur when you install this service pack:.
Technical information For more information about this service pack that includes a list of files affected, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:.
Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. Microsoft Update will detect which products that you have installed, and then apply all updates to the products. You can download and install the following service packs for each product that you have installed.
Note To determine the version that you should download and install, such as bit or bit, follow these steps:. Open any of the Office products. For example: Word , Excel , PowerPoint , and so on. Download the bit package now. See the KB article at the right side. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time.