Windows 8.1 recovery disc download free.Results for "windows 8 1 recovery disc"

Windows 8.1 recovery disc download free.Windows 8 Recovery Iso Download

Instance that you have not yet upgraded your Windows you must make a recovery drive for your Windows 8 system. When you have installed or upgraded to Windows 8 or received a new Windows 8 based PC, the first thing you should do is make a recovery media that you can utilize to fix, repair and restore your computer in case of a major problem.

It is important to remember that a Recovery Drive is bit specific. In other words: A created bit recovery USB flash drive can only be created in a bit Windows 8and used to repair windows 8.1 recovery disc download free bit Windows 8. A created bit recovery USB flash drive can only be created in a bit Windows 8and used to repair a bit Windows 8.

If you windows 8.1 recovery disc download free important data on it, you need to back these data at first. The USB will be reformatted. If there are any important data on it, the data must have a back up first. So in any case you lost your data, you do not need to worry since you have backed it up. In its base configuration, the contents of the Recovery Drive require about MB space. However, if you select to include the OEM recovery partition you will need bigger space.

Windows 8.1 recovery disc download free search the Windows 8 recovery media creator, go to recovery from Start Search field and change the settings from View field. The option you are searching for is listed as Create a Recovery Drive from the search lists. The Recovery Media Creator is a desktop based wizard that enables you to create recovery media.

It is a welcome page that will appear from the screen of the Recovery Drive wizard. The next screen you can see is the prompt that will allow you to select your USB drive. If the drive is not yet connected to your system, you can conveniently insert it. When you do this, Windows 8 will re scan the system and shall display your drive. Once you have selected your USB flash drive, click Next to start building. The process shall take few minutes only.

Kindly wait until the process is completed. The recovery disk created by Lazesoft Recovery Suite will not only include the tools in Windows 8 but as well as many other free tools manufactured by us. Such as password recovery, data recovery, disk clone, disk image, partition manager.

The following are the simple steps that help you build a USB recovery disk using our software: 1. Simply setup Lazesoft Recovery Suite and launch it. Insert the USB flash drive into your computer. Do not forget to make a backup the important files from your USB.

Please wait until the building processing is finish. Windows Vista USB bootable recovery disk. How to fix boot problems if Windows won't start correctly. How to boot from the created Windows recovery CD.

Lazesoft Windows 8.1 recovery disc download free Suite is a very windows 8.1 recovery disc download free to use ALL-IN-ONE boot disk that repair your crashed Windows, recover data from deleted, formatted, damaged partition, clone or backup disk, reset your forgotten Windows password. Download Order Now!

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